Download tom clancy's splinter cell conviction ps3
Download tom clancy's splinter cell conviction ps3

Sure, Fisher spent some time in jail in that fourth chapter of the stealthy series, but it was only for one half-baked level (as a "prisoner," he still had some of his high-tech gadgets, for chrissakes). But Splinter Cell: Double Agent didn't deliver on that unspoken promise. After all, you don't show our favorite government secret agent in a mug shot unless you're planning on flipping the script inside out. THE FAMILIAR SLEEK BLACK CATSUIT and all-purpose vision headgear (with the famous, iconic three glowing green circles) were nowhere to be seen, replaced by a Creamsicle-orange prison jumpsuit and 5 o'clock (plus overtime) shadow-Sam Fisher seemed to be in for a franchise reinvention.

Download tom clancy's splinter cell conviction ps3