It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make-up as a human family” Ban-Ki Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations “Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety and a better future.

We believe this to be the first step towards increased tolerance and acceptance of our differences. To facilitate a more efficient integration process, we want to RAISE AWARENESS AMONG EUROPEAN YOUTH about the migration phenomenon and ENCOURAGE THEM TO INTERACT WITH MIGRANTS in order to PROMOTE MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING as well as an EXCHANGE OF KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCES AND OPINIONS. It becomes harmful not only to migrants themselves but also to the host countries which struggle to take advantage of the human capital that the migrants represent. To make matters worse, poor integration is another result of the increasing hostility towards migrants. This is directly undermining the founding principles of the EU and it constitutes what we want to change through this project, by encouraging European youth to collaborate and develop a sense of community. Because of this, several obstacles and opposition are damaging the SHARING OF RESPONSIBILITIES and the commitment to adhere to a common European framework with regards to the migration issue. The migration phenomenon is often exploited by the right-winged political elite as well as by the media in order to present it as a “crisis” and a threat to the culture and traditions of the respective host countries.